Dear Parents and Carers
This week we have been contacted by the School, Students and Teachers network (SSAT), a national organisation which supports, challenges and recognises schools for excellence, to congratulate Myton School on the Outcomes Award for 2015. Yet again our Key Stage 2-4 progress and our outcomes are in the top 20% of schools in the country and significantly above average with very positive levels of achievement. This means that children joining the school with roughly the same Key Stage 2 scores do better at Myton than they do in other schools.
We have also been nominated again for Leading Edge status. This is an invitation to collaborate with other Leading Edge schools on curriculum development opportunities and to share our good practice, particularly for our work in Key Stage 3 and our learning habits. It is also recognition of our consistently high levels of performance, particularly at GCSE, over the last 5 years.
We are very pleased to gain this recognition and at the moment I can confidently say that next year’s results will be even better, as forecasts look very promising in Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. Importantly, we will have narrowed any gap between disadvantaged students and other students nationally, indeed in most year groups there is no gap; but next year our Key Stage 3 outcomes particularly will reflect our significant progress in this area.
As you may recall, this was a fundamental issue with the visit by Ofsted in January. We have serious concerns over the manner of the inspection, the way evidence was collected and interpreted and in the outcomes which bear little resemblance to progress at Myton. We are not alone in these concerns and in fact they are the focus of a regional meeting in Birmingham with a Senior HMI for the Midlands, an MP and a group of headteachers who have all put in a complaint regarding this Ofsted team. We are still awaiting a response to our complaint but in the meantime, we will put our own self-evaluation report on the website next week to run alongside the Ofsted report so that parents and carers can judge for themselves which report fairly reflects their school.
It just remains for me to thank you for your continued support as we move towards the summer.
Kind regards
Paul MacIntyre
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