I was appointed to Myton School in September 2012 as Head of Mathematics then joined the leadership team 2 years ago. I am currently responsible for Key Stage 3 curriculum, looking at the transition between primary and secondary, and also between Key Stage 3 & 4.
For many of you with younger children at primary school, you will be aware of the significant changes that have occurred in the National Curriculum and how progress is reported to students and parents. From September 2016, for the new Year 7 intake, we will be changing the way we are assessing students and reporting this to parents. Students will be assessed according to whether they meet age-related expectations in each of their subjects. If you have a younger child joining us in September, we will contact you then with further details.
As you may know, starting with English and mathematics, current Year 10 students are studying new, more challenging, GCSEs where grades will be reported in numbers on a 9 – 1 scale, where 9 is the highest possible. For our current Year 9 students, this will roll out to most other subjects from September. Grade 5 is the new ‘benchmark’ and students who are meeting age-related expectations will achieve a minimum grade 5 at GCSE. Again, if this applies to your child, we will explain the details of how this works more fully next year.
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