Dear Parents and Carers
This morning our Year 7 students and sixth formers attended Myton’s annual Christmas Carol Service at St Mary’s Church in Warwick. It was a lovely, festive event with readings, carols and musical performances from some of our students. Well done to our soloist, Grace Thompson; our guitarist, James Payne; flautists Rebecca Jeffries, Devon Reed, Heather Dale, Thabo Strauswald, Thea Harper and Jessica Barnard; the actors in the sketch; the Year 11 band; the school choir and our sixth form readers. And well done to the Year 7 collectors who did such a great job.
Thank you to all the parents, governors and Councillor Stephen Cross, the Mayor of Warwick, for coming along and supporting this event. And special thanks to Reverend Vaughan Roberts and St Mary’s Church for welcoming us so warmly.
On behalf of all the staff at Myton School, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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