Dear Parents and Carers
During the last few weeks Myton staff have been out on duty around the community, checking that our students show consideration to our neighbours on their way to and from school. We do this quite often and are always reminded that our 1,650 students are outstanding ambassadors for Myton School and conduct themselves very well. We were able to identify the very few students letting themselves and Myton down and have taken appropriate actions to address this. I would like to thank the many neighbours who took time to greet us, praise our students and make us welcome in their streets.
As with every monitoring action, we find areas to improve. In this case I would ask you to go through the following key things with your child:
- If cycling to school, show greater levels of consideration in residential streets. Avoid blocking pedestrians and drivers, this is both inconsiderate and dangerous.
- Far greater care is needed by a few cyclists crossing the side roads as they travel along Myton Road.
- Some cyclists must show greater levels of care around Coten End School, they need to slow down, be aware of pupils and families and, in a few cases, stop showing off with wheelies, etc – neither the Coten End pupils, their families, staff or our staff are impressed.
- Pedestrians, avoid walking side by side across the whole path and cycle path, again inconsiderate and dangerous.
- Finally – and this is one for parents – if you drop off or pick up your child, please respect our neighbours and don’t block their drives or their streets. Don’t stop on the yellow lines outside the school or on the pavement. Also, if picking up late in the evening, please could you turn off your head lights when parked as these shine into neighbours’ windows.
To the overwhelming majority of our students who are doing the right thing every day, well done and please keep it up. To the very few students who need to make some changes, please do so now.
Many thanks
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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