Dear Parents and Carers
We had our first Year 7 awards evening this week, celebrating the efforts of our new intake in their first term at Myton. It was a very enjoyable evening and thank you to all the parents and families who attended. Thanks also to Bea Owen-Ward and Mischa Pretorius for their musical performances on the evening. This was the first of our termly awards for Year 7 and I look forward to a new group of winners at our next event. In the meantime, congratulations to all the students who were nominated.
This week also saw us kick start the GCSE options process with our Year 8 Options Evening. Students will need to make their decisions about subject choices by the beginning of March and we will be helping them finalise their choices with assemblies, tutor work and parents’ evening.
This is one of my favourite evenings in the school calendar as it is an opportunity to discuss hopes, aspirations and learning with students and parents. In most cases, students already know some of the subjects they wish to study at GCSE, but are often left choosing between two or three possible options for their last slot. I would urge our Year 8s to speak to the older students in their tutor groups who are studying the subjects they are considering and ask them about their experiences, taking advantage of the vertical tutoring system to gain advice.
Secondary School league tables have been published this week on the GOV.UK website. We’re delighted that Myton retains its ‘above average’ score in the headline Progress 8 measure (here’s a short video explaining what Progress 8 means). We have added value in all subject areas and for all prior attainment groups (meaning our students do better than their peers of similar ability nationally).
Thank you for your continuing support.
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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