I am convinced that children used to be happier before mobile phones were grafted onto their hands. Children spoke to each other more and there was one less potential distraction in class. Then there is social media. Before this, there were no forums for people to express views about each other and subsequently children had the luxury of not knowing or caring what others thought. That ability to not care what others think about us (apart from a trusted group of close people who will express themselves properly and face to face) is a real key to happiness in my opinion. Nearly everything expressed on social media platforms used to go unsaid. It wasn’t that it was expressed elsewhere, it simply wasn’t expressed at all. I really like the idea of children not knowing or caring about the opinions of other children too much and spending their free time talking with each other. I particularly like the idea of classes not being disrupted by the few students who can’t seem to put away their phones. What is more, I firmly believe we can achieve this happier and more focused state in Myton School.
As you may know already, this is leading to a change in school rules around mobile phones from Monday 26 June. You will be receiving a letter which details our new approach. In short, there will be no warnings issued at all and phones will be confiscated at the first sight of them between the 8.40am bell and the bell at the end of the school day. On the first offence, students will get their phone back at the end of the day, but repeat offenders will soon be in the situation of us only handing the phone back to their parents with a clear instruction that they are banned from bringing it onto the school site. I realise that phones are a safety feature of life today but through the school day they are to be completely invisible (and so are the headphones). Children will be able to relax and enjoy each other’s company, focus on their classes and forget about social media – an entirely reasonable expectation at school and an entitlement of all our children.
Thank you for your support
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
PS Also starting from Monday 26 June, we will be allowing one stud in the lobe of each ear. It must be plain (meaning black, silver or gold), small (around 3mm) and must not have a mobile phone pressed against it.
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