

A Levels

A Level Results Day is on Thursday 17 August 2023.

Year 13 students are invited to the Upper School Hall to sign for and collect their exam results from 09:00 – 10:00.

Any student who is not available to collect their own results will have their results emailed to their school email address before 12:00.

All results will be given to the student only.


GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 24 August 2023.

Year 11 students are invited to the Upper School Hall to sign for and collect their exam results from 09:00 – 10:00.

Any student who is not available to collect their own results will have their results emailed to their school email address before 13:00.

All results will be given to the student only.

Ex-students who completed a re-sit A Level or GCSE qualification and Y10 and Y9 students who completed a first language GCSE examination will have their results emailed to them on the relevant Results Day from 10:00 – 11:00.

Year 12 students who completed a unit exam for BTEC, CTECH or Applied qualifications and Year 10 students who completed a unit exam in BTEC, CNAT or Functional Skills qualifications during the June 2023 exam series will be given their results in their subject lessons when they return to school in September 2023.

Year 13 and Year 11 students and parents/carers were sent a message on Thursday 6 July 2023 with details about Results Days and Post Results Services.

Please see a copy of the Year 13 letter here.

Please see a copy of the Year 11 letter here.

Please see a copy of the Post Results Services information here.

The deadline for Priority review of marking is Thursday 24 August 2023.

The deadline for all other post results services is Thursday 28 September 2023.

Please note, we must obtain written candidate consent (from the student, not the parent/carer) and payment in full (via ParentPay) before any post results services requests can be processed.

If you have any queries please email the Exams Team: [email protected].


Myton School Summer 2022 Timetable

Please download the following candidate information documents from the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ):

Information for Candidates – Privacy Notice

IFC-NE Assessments

IFC Written Examinations

Social Media Information for Candidates

Hard copies of the Written Examinations and Privacy Notice will be provided for students in the first instance.

Internal Appeal Procedures Policy 21/22
Internal Assessment Appeals Procedure

School Performance Tables:

Myton School

Please see the link to the school performance data tables.  Please note that this does not represent our current data, but is the performance data collected in 2019.  This will be updated again shortly.

Weekly News

for week ending Friday, 30 August 2024.

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