Expansion Consultation

Consultation on the Proposal to Increase the Number of Sixth Form Students at Myton School


This is an update to the consultation that ran between 6 February 2023 and 31 March 2023 for 8 weeks proposing an increase in the Sixth Form capacity from its current level of 395 up to 550 (across Years 12 & 13 in total) with effect from September 2025 and beyond.

This consultation is being undertaken to advise you of proposals concerning Myton School and to invite you to tell us what you think of these proposals. This consultation and your responses will form part of a Significant Change application made to the Regional Schools Commissioner from the Department of Education. The updated proposal is:

To increase the Sixth Form capacity from its current level of 395 up to 550 (across Years 12 & 13 in total) with effect from September 2026 and beyond.

Why Change?

Warwickshire County Council (WCC) as the Local Authority has a statutory duty to provide sufficient school places for students across all school phases. Myton School, as an Academy, can chose to work with WCC to help ensure that there are sufficient school places for students across Year 7 to Year 13 inclusive.

Myton School converted to academy status in 2011. Due to significant housing development growth across the local areas since 2017, which is set to continue, there has been increased demand for both Year 7 intake and also projected increased demand for Year 12 intake.

To meet current and future sufficiency demands in Year 7, Myton School agreed with WCC to temporarily, on a year-by-year basis, increase its Pupil Admissions Number to 284 (from 275) from September 2020.

To meet current and future sufficiency demands in Years 12 & 13, Myton School, on agreement with WCC, is proposing to increase its Sixth Form capacity from its current level of 395 up to 550 with effect from September 2026. From September 2026 the increase to 550 students will be staggered over a number of years.

The applications (both internal and external) to attend the Myton School Sixth Form have increased significantly from September 2019 levels of 252 applications to 349 in September 2022 for approx. 195 Year 12 places.

The proposed increase in capacity of the Sixth Form will be accommodated in the 18-class new build that was completed on 31 August 2023. For the academic year commencing September 2023 this new build has been accommodating students from Oakley School, operated by Stowe Valley MAT whilst the new Oakley School is being built close to Bishops Tachbrook. The new Oakley School will be completed and ready for occupation for the academic year commencing September 2024, allowing Myton School to fully utilise the 18-class new build from 1 September 2024.

For further details of the application numbers and the projected Sixth Form numbers in the local area please refer to Proposed Expansion of Myton School Sixth Form with Effect from September 2026.

Building Consequences

Myton School obtained planning permission in May 2022 to build the 18-classroom building at the front of the school site – please refer to Proposed Expansion of Myton School Sixth Form with Effect from September 2026 – for illustrations of this new build.

The building work was completed on 31 August 2023.

For the academic year commencing September 2023, this building has been used by Oakley School for 160 Year 7 students. Oakley School students will move to the newly built Oakley School, located by Bishops Tachbrook, in August 2024.

From 1 September 2024, the new build will be used entirely by Myton School. The current Sixth Form accommodation – 2 A-frame huts built in the early 1990s and purchased by Myton School second hand between 2005 and 2010 will subsequently be demolished due to the age and the condition of these buildings. 

The new build will initially hold approx. 395 Sixth Form students. Some main school (Years 7 – 11) classes will also be accommodated in the new build as required.

It is anticipated that the Sixth Form new capacity of 550 will not be reached until September 2030 – which is when WCC is predicting a shortfall of Sixth Form places – please refer to Proposed Expansion of Myton School Sixth Form with Effect from September 2026 for further details.

What is the proposed timetable?

6 February 2023 – 31 March 2023 (8 weeks). Original Sixth Form expansion consultation that ran with parents, carers, staff and stakeholders to consider the views expressed regarding the proposal to expand the Sixth Form from 395 to 550 with effect from September 2025.

29 April 2024 – 20 May 2024 (3 weeks). Amended Sixth Form expansion consultation to run with parents, carers, staff and stakeholders to consider the views expressed regarding the proposal to expand the Sixth Form from 395 to 550 with effect from September 2026.

May / June 2024. The significant change request to increase the capacity of Myton School’s Sixth Form to 550 (Years 12 & 13) will be updated to include the feedback from the consultation that will have run between 29 April 2024 – 20 May 2024 and submitted to the Regional Schools Commissioner (DfE).

From September 2026.  If the significant change request to increase the capacity of Myton School’s Sixth Form to 550 (Years 12 & 13) is approved, the Sixth Form at Myton School will start taking additional Year 12 students both internally and externally from September 2025 to gradually bring the total students in Sixth Form (Years 12 & 13) to 550 in total.

Have you say……

As an integral part of this process we are inviting you to take part in this consultation. We welcome your views on the proposed changes raised in this communication and all viewpoints will be considered as part of the decision-making process. 

Please use this questionnaire form below to submit your comments having read the information and documents carefully relating to the proposals.

The information you submit in this form will be reviewed by Myton School Trust as the “Controller” under the General Data Protection Regulations, who will ensure that any information is processed fairly and lawfully.

We request that you do not submit any personal information e.g. name. address etc. Please note that this online form closes at midday on Monday 20 May 2024, so please ensure that you have reviewed and commented before this date.

Please submit your completed questionnaire to [email protected].


Proposed Expansion of Myton School Sixth Form with Effect from September 2026 can be found here.

Online questionnaire can be found here.

Word version of the consultation questionnaire can be found here.

PDF version of the consultation questionnaire can be found here

Deadline for comments Midday on Monday 20 May 2024

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