Dear Parents and Carers
I was really proud of the school on Monday as we gathered together for our Remembrance event. We have reflected that in previous years Remembrance Day hasn’t had the profile we believe it should. It is so important, in a world where kids live in the here and now and increasingly through social media, that we take a moment and help them understand the sacrifices that have gone before, are still going on today and which have gotten us to this point. So rather than the usual assemblies and silence, we gathered all the students and staff around the “D” where our flag is located to show our respect together. We had readings and poems, a bugler and our fantastic students from the Army and Airforce Cadets marched along the road to place the wreath. We have a lot of kids and staff so we did this in three sessions, the final one coinciding with the 11.00am silence which was marked by cannon fire from Warwick Castle (which also set off about 200 of the noisiest geese in the world who flew directly overhead in a V-shape during the two minutes silence in a kind of budget fly past).
Thanks to all the staff and students for their participation and particular thanks to our fantastic Cadets and bugler.
Best wishes
Andy Perry