Dear Parents and Carers
I’m always glad to move from November into December. Maybe it’s the dark evenings, or the weather we’ve had of rain, gloom, snow and floods, but whatever it is, it seems some kids struggle a bit in November. So I’m very happy we move into December and advent next week and fingers crossed the dry weather holds out. It’s a good time for our Year 11s as well. They are finishing their mocks and will come out of the last fortnight not only with a clearer idea of what an exam season feels like but also, once their papers are marked and back with them, absolute clarity on what gaps they have in their knowledge and/or skills to get them their desired grades. We will often speak to Year 11 about how long is left before exams (18 school weeks or so – 9 rotations of the 2 week timetable) but given the clarity they will have about their strengths and weaknesses after these mocks, that is plenty of time to make a huge difference to their outcomes.
I will be looking forward to delivering a Year 11 assembly on all this very soon and will keep giving the same message……concentrate on what you can control; getting into school on time, understanding your own knowledge and skills gaps, studying at home regularly to address these gaps and putting in a huge effort into all of this.
Best wishes
Andy Perry
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