School Policies

Key Documents & Policies


Admission to Myton School (2025)
Admission to Myton School (2025) Sixth Form

Admission to Myton School (2024)
Admission to Myton School (2024) Sixth Form

Admission to Myton School (2023)
Admission to Myton School (2023) Sixth Form

Admissions Agreement (2023)

Attendance and Behaviour

Attendance and Punctuality Policy 2023

Relationship Policy (Behaviour) 2023

Exclusions Policy 2021

Parent/Carer Code of Conduct 2023


Myton School Provider Access Policy 2023

Careers Policy 2023

Child protection, safeguarding, anti-bullying, allergy awareness and Prevent

Child protection and safeguarding policy 2023-24

Anti-Bullying Policy March 2023

Prevent Statement

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy 2021

Access to Education for Children and Young People with Health Needs Policy 2021

Allergy Awareness Policy 2022


Complaints Policy & Procedure

E-safety and privacy

Online Safety Policy 2023

Data Protection Policy


Equality Policy and Objective


Charging and Remission Policy

Hardship and Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022

Health and Safety

Health and Safety Policy and Procedures 2021

Relationships and Sex Education

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Special Educational Needs

SEN Policy and Information Report March 2022

School Accessibility and Access Plan

Designated Teacher Policy

Dog Policy

Visits & trips

Off Site Educational Visits Policy


Whistleblowing Policy 2021

Weekly News

for week ending Friday, 28 June 2024.

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Upcoming Events

School events that are happening over the next few weeks.

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