Contact Myton School

Contact the school office

You can call the school office on 01926 493805. Reception is open Monday–Friday, 8am–4pm during term time.

If you have a general comment or question about the school, or you’d like to let us know about any good news stories or achievements involving your child, please email: [email protected]. This email is monitored by reception staff during our opening hours.

If you move house or change email or telephone number, please remember to let the school know as soon as possible by emailing us at: [email protected].

If you’d like to contact Mr Perry, please email the Head Teacher’s PA, Mrs Helen Williams, at [email protected].

You can also call 01926 493805 to report a student absence.

Student welfare

If you have a safeguarding concern regarding a student please contact Student Support on 01926 493805 ext 284 and ask to speak to someone on our safeguarding team. If it’s out of school hours, please call Warwickshire County Council’s Evening and Weekend Emergency Duty Team on 01926 886922.

To send us a report of bullying, please fill in this confidential form or contact your child’s Pastoral Lead or Head of Year.

Leave of absence request

If you need to request leave of absence for your child, please complete our Leave of Absence Form and return it to the Head Teacher’s PA.

Email a member of staff

Your child’s form tutor should be your first point of contact for most queries.

Find a list of form tutors for each year group

Find a list of sixth form tutors and their email addresses.

Find the contact details of the school leadership team.

Alternatively, here is a list of Myton staff by department.

We aim to respond to all email messages within 2-3 working days, or more quickly if at all possible. Please bear in mind when emailing teaching staff that they may have a busy teaching timetable that day and/or may work part-time.


Email us on [email protected] for more information about our food service at Myton School.


If you have raised an issue with the school and have been unable to resolve it to your satisfaction, you might want to look at our Complaints & Procedure Policy

Reporting inconsiderate driving or parking

If you see inconsiderate driving or parking around the school, you can report it on the Warwickshire Police website or contact the Safer Neighbourhood Team on 01926 684361.

Weekly News

for week ending Friday, 20 December 2024.

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Upcoming Events

School events that are happening over the next few weeks.

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