Helpful sites for careers information
For ages 11 to 19. Packed with tools and information to help students make better choices about options for post-16, 18 and their future career.
Go to the Unifrog website to register or login.
To access Unifrog for the first time, you will need to set up an account and a password (this will be provided during a Careers lesson).
Skills Checker
Take a 5 to 10 minute assessment to find out what job categories, and which particular job roles, might suit you. You don’t need to sign in or create an account to save your assessment. You can also complete it later and look at your results again at any time.
Go to the National Careers Service website
Other useful careers websites
Informed Choices – to help you make the right A level choices, understand which subjects open up different degrees, particularly at Russell Group universities
National Careers Service – job profiles, CV help and much more
Bright Knowledge – career pathways
Total Professions – links to professional institutes who often have their own careers sections and lists of accredited degrees – including Buzz personality test => course search => course entry requirements > Options with Your Degree Subject > Jobs & Work Experience > Industry Insights
Future Learn – lists the training, qualifications and experience needed for each career
Barclays Life Skills – providing young people with the skills, knowledge and confidence they need for work with tools, tips and learning resources
Careermap – providing careers advice and support for students and parents/carers including LMI information
Choices Magazine – parent carer guide to apprenticeships and technical education
Careersbox is a careers education resource that is:
- FREE for everyone all year round
- there are no job boards and no adverts, just top quality film resources
- 500 job profile films, from all industry sectors
- the films showcase all the career destinations available to young people
- every Careersbox film is informative, educational and most importantly, fun
Psychometric Tests
Psychometric Tests – (also known as Aptitude Tests) are used as part of the job interview process by some organisations. Find out more about them and have a go at a sample test: Psychometric Tests.
Take a practice aptitude test on the Practice Reasoning website.
Alternatives to university including higher apprenticeships, sponsored degrees and school leaver schemes (Digital Media and IT)
Apprenticeships (National Apprenticeship Service) (Warwickshire County Council Apprenticeships) (Midland Group Training Services) (Motor Vehicle) (Plumbing and electrical) (Warwickshire College Apprenticeships) (Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber Training)
Current Degree Apprenticeship Vacancies
Help with applications
Volunteering and gap year
Careers in medicine and healthcare
NHS Hospitals, Hospices and GP practices in Coventry & Warwickshire have created a website to share opportunities in healthcare: Local Health Careers Hub