Dear Parents and Carers
Monday is Holocaust Memorial Day, which this year marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi concentration camp complex. In recognition we welcomed Lesley Urbach from the Generation 2 Generation project into our Year 9 assemblies this week. Lesley’s grandparents were murdered at Auschwitz in 1943. Students heard film and radio testimony from Lesley’s mother and aunt (who both escaped to Britain on the Kindertransport in 1938), and Lesley shared family photos, letters and poems, giving an insight into her family’s lives both before and after the Nazi regime came into power. It was a hard-hitting, emotive, but important assembly, helping to ensure that these families’ experiences are not forgotten, but also reinforcing the values of inclusivity, empathy and understanding.
We continue our memorial events in form times next week, and three of our students will be representing Myton on Monday at Warwick’s Holocaust Memorial event in Church Street (the event is at 11am, lasts half an hour and is open to all). There will be readings, poems and a short service of remembrance led by civic leaders and local faith groups.
Best wishes
Andy Perry