Thank you to Colin, Millie and Emma from Safeline who were guest speakers at Year 13’s assembly last week. As many of our Year 13 students prepare to leave home it was a timely reminder of the dangers of sexual assault, how they can best protect themselves and others and which support agencies to turn to should they need them. Raising awareness of this issue is vital and it really highlighted how we all can play a role in keeping everyone safe.
General News
posts up to Friday, 17 January 2025.
Year 12 trip to Compton Verney
Year 12 art students enjoyed an exciting and rewarding day at Compton Verney this week. They worked with life models to create a variety of experimental drawings at first hand. Both ‘Paul’ the model and the tutor at Compton Verney were impressed by the quality of work produced. The first time that students work with a live model is a daunting experience and they conducted themselves brilliantly. They also had the opportunity to see art in the galleries and a terrifying spider sculpture by the artist Louise Bourgeois.
Easter egg design competition winners
Congratulations to Rosie in Year 7 who was the winner of our recent Easter egg design competition.
Well done also to runner up Hriddashis in Year 8. Here are their winning entries along with their chocolate prizes.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the competition over the Easter Holidays.
Lilly fundraising for Hungary volunteering experience
Congratulations to Lilly in Year 8 who after a rigorous selection process has been selected to represent Girlguiding to volunteer in Hungary in 2025 to support underprivileged Romani children and their families.
Beauchamp chapel sanctuary kneeler design competition
The Collegiate Church of St Mary invite young people (aged under 19 on the 31 August 2024) in the area to enter their competition to design a replacement sanctuary kneeler in their Beauchamp chapel. Further information about the competition and how to enter can be found here and in the flyer below. Hard copies of the flyer can be picked up outside reception.
How to teach children about strangers
In school we do not teach blanket ‘stranger danger’ messages to the students. Instead, we follow the recommendations of the Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board’s Taking Care Scheme and explain that sometimes a stranger is the only person who can help us and is a far safer option than not talking to anyone.
Parents’ Guide to Homelife and Study
The Parents’ Guide to Homelife and Study is an interactive online guide written specifically for parents and carers, providing advice on:
- Keeping your child healthy
- Providing the right homelife
- Helping your child revise
- Preparing for exams
- Managing exam nerves
- Hyperlinks to other useful websites and resources
The guides (GCSE or Sixth Form) cost £9.99 each and can be purchased here.
Tips for Wellness
See below for tips on how to practice mindfulness.
Widen my path suggestions
If you think any paths in the area need widening to improve space for walking, wheeling or cycling you can suggest this to Warwickshire County Council using this website.
The website also links to CycleStreets, where you can plan your cycle journey using cycle paths.
Modular building photos
Our modular buildings are quickly taking shape. Take a look at the photos below to see how things are progressing!