One of our ex-Myton students Ben Davies has just released ‘Crawler’, his second single with band Spellgaze. You can catch a preview here or see them live this Saturday at the Big Difference in Leicester.
General News
posts up to Friday, 31 January 2025.
Tips for Wellness
Please find below tips on connecting.
Media and Film Studies workshop
Last week our Year 12 and 13 Media and Film Studies students experienced a vodcasting/podcasting workshop delivered by a Coventry University lecturer. The students planned and recorded two professional podcasts covering topics including; the media’s role in ‘brain rot’, celebrities’ right to privacy and the extent to which choices of music, games and TV shows influence our personalities.
Cleo and Cristian lunch with the Warwick Rotary Club
Heads of Sixth Form Student Leadership Cleo and Cristian joined Mrs Voss, Sixth Form Pastoral Support Tutor at the annual Warwick Rotary Club Scholars’ Lunch this week along with staff and students from Aylesford, Kings High and Warwick School Sixth Forms.
Vivek shortlisted in University’s competition
Congratulations to Vivek in Year 13 who has been shortlisted in the Creative Category in University of Warwick’s Global Sustainable Development competition. Vivek’s entry was his GCSE canvas art work showing the plight of orangutans losing their natural habitat due to farming for palm oil. Well done Vivek!
Geography GCSE fieldwork trips
Year 11 Geography students recently completed fieldwork trips as part of their exam preparation. Students completed an investigation into sustainable transport solutions in Shrewsbury and some river fieldwork at Carding Mill Valley.
Ocean Health Challenge!
We are excited to announce that we are taking part in this year’s Ocean Health Challenge! This national engineering design challenge invites students to design, prototype and pitch engineering solutions to address plastic pollution in our oceans.
Choir looking for new young singers
Armonico Consort choir are looking for young singers (aged 13 and over) to join their choir.
You can find out more information on their website.
Tips for Wellness
Please find below some tips for being caring.
Year 12 Freshers’ Week
Year 13 students welcomed Year 12 students by hosting a Freshers’ Week this week. There have been lots of activities including a social lunch, cake sale and a Sports Day. It’s been a lot of fun and thank you to our Year 13 students for welcoming Year 12 so warmly!