Dear Parents and Carers
Alongside the day-to-day business in school, we are now in full flow preparing for some of the many and varied events that take place in the Myton school year. On Tuesday next week we have the Year 11 Parents’ Evening, closely followed by our major drama production, A Midsummer Night’s Dream on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Well over 100 students auditioned for parts in the production and to help with technical elements – they are all working hard with rehearsals and we hope to see you on one of the evenings.
Another date for Year 11 parents’ diaries is the Sixth Form Open Evening, which takes place on Tuesday 22 November from 5.00-8.00pm. A booklet giving details of our sixth form courses will be available on the night and we are pleased with the broad range of subjects on offer.
Year 7 had on off-timetable Cupcake Challenge Day this week, and on Friday next week Year 11 will be finalising their CVs as part of their off-timetable session.
A thank you must go to our staff who have volunteered to organise our productions, run the extracurricular clubs which are taking place and organise the residential trips.
All in all, it’s a busy time and we appreciate your continued support.
Kind regards
Andy Perry
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