On Wednesday 12 July the Friends of Myton School hosted a Family Quiz night in Upper School Hall. It was a fun and relaxed event involving students, parents and staff, and it nicely rounded off a successful year of fundraising for FOMS, who raised over £300 this week alone. (Well done to the MFL staff team who came away victorious!)
This group of parent volunteers tirelessly raise money for the benefit of all students at Myton. Some of the things they have funded recently include: two class sets of interactive handheld devices for Myton’s Maths Department, the benches in our new wildlife area, radio microphones for our school productions, and other generous donations too numerous to list here.
On behalf of the whole school I would like to thank FOMS for all their efforts this year. This term, as well as organising the quiz, they have provided a bar and refreshments at Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the Summer Concert, and, together with Evelyn’s Gift, they were instrumental in arranging the work last week on the school allotment and wildlife area and this week’s visit from Warwick in Bloom.
Thank you also to the staff who supported our Year 11 Prom last night, especially Jordan Whitworth who organised the event. It was a very enjoyable evening and it was great to see this year group enjoying themselves after all the hard work of the exam season. We look forward to seeing many of them back at Myton as Sixth Formers in September.
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