Dear Parents and Carers
The way in which education is discussed in the media is becoming increasingly depressing: budget cuts combined with huge increases in costs are affecting front line services, wider community cuts are plunging more children and families into crisis, leading to more strain in school as we try to support their increasingly high needs. In addition, there is a recruitment crisis and large numbers of teachers are dropping out of the profession – all in all, a very miserable picture.
However, I would like to spend a few moments discussing the other side of my profession. There is a joy in teaching, in working with a class of kids and getting them interested in the topics we have dedicated our lives to. I am a history teacher at heart and it is inconceivable to me that kids wouldn’t love history as much as I do. When you get that relationship with your class so they soak up knowledge, want to succeed and are proud of their success, it is the most rewarding of professions. All teachers feel this way about their subjects; it is what gets us into the profession in the first place.
And then there is working every day with children in our schools. I have never in my whole career met a child who didn’t want to learn and didn’t want to succeed. I have met a few who struggle to work out how to do those things, who need multiple waves of support and intervention, and whose personal circumstances make it very difficult; but nearly all can be won over and we have a commitment to them to make sure they do as well as they can. Most of our children arrive at school ready to learn and all children want to enjoy learning and enjoy their day. Kids like to laugh; teachers like to laugh as well. In a school working with children, you see and hear things every day which make you laugh. Students also achieve great things. Talking to them is inspiring, and with a school of over 1,600 students, the huge range of experiences they tell us about is fascinating.
I will not deny that the education sector is under strain and it is more difficult than it has been; but the kids are the same as ever: funny, inspiring, interesting and wanting to do well. So despite everything that is said or you may hear, I would still wholeheartedly recommend my profession to anyone.
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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