Dear Parents and Carers
In the background the School Rebuild Project is getting well underway. The first half of the project, estimated to last around four years or so, is all about what gets rebuilt, what gets refurbished and what is fine as it is. We then move onto designs and appointing a contractor before any work starts on site after about two years or so. The build, I’m told, is the relatively quick and easy bit, it’s all the work leading up to it which takes the time.
The focus at the moment is a document called the School Specific Brief. This is something we are spending time over as it captures the way Myton School wants to work e.g. what values we work to, what our priorities are, how our curriculum works etc. This then all informs the designs of the new school so that it matches our needs – as I’ve mentioned before, the way this was explained to me is that the amount of Lego we get is set based on student numbers and curriculum but we can influence how that Lego is arranged a great deal through this document.
Over the next few years Myton will grow as more houses are built. We are projected to reach around 1970 students, with the growth being predominantly in the Sixth Form and it is to this number the school will be rebuilt. Given the size, we are really pushing towards a campus style school with faculties surrounding a large quadrangle where students can meet, sit and eat lunch etc, whilst keeping the playgrounds and fields around the edge. We are a long way off designs but this certainly fits with how we have arranged our school with leadership distributed to departments and faculties but us all tied together by common values and expectations.
Alongside this work, the district council is also pursuing the cycle track which would run down the edge of our land connecting North and South and will also provide us with a much needed entrance/exit at the rear of the site onto Fusiliers Way. They seem increasingly determined to realise this project, so much so that they are holding a public consultation on it at Myton on 14 October.
It’s really exciting that we can see the plans evolving which provide a school and infrastructure that this community needs and deserves.
Best wishes
Andy Perry
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