As you may be aware, Tuesday 5 July has been identified as a nationwide day for industrial action by the National Union of Teachers. A significant number of staff at Myton will be undertaking industrial action and I must point out that this is action against government policy, particularly around funding for schools, and not against the activities of Myton School.
We know we will have a significant number of staff absent on Tuesday 5 July but do not know who or exactly how many, and therefore cannot predict which students and classes will be affected. Therefore, following internal risk assessment, we cannot guarantee the supervision and safety of our students and must close to Years 7-10. The expectation is that students undertake online learning activities and dedicate time to reading on this day, in addition to work set by staff for completion at home.
Year 12 will be expected in school, dressed appropriately and in the classes which are still running. Should a class be cancelled, Year 12 can spend time working independently. The Year 12 Media trip to Warwick University will still take place as planned
I appreciate that this is a difficult situation and the balance between safe practices and the needs of learning is sometimes difficult to achieve, however, with so many unknowns, we cannot guarantee the supervision of students and have taken the difficult decision to close for Years 7-10.
We are pleased to be able to confirm that the Summer Concert will be going ahead in the evening as planned.
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